24 Hours in Nowhere

24 Hours in Nowhere

B. inggris Rubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat negatif
a. I have lunch at home
b. He plays football in the yard
C. She eats pizza in the Canteen
D. He studies science in the laboratory
e. Seno takes a bath
F. The water is hot
G. The coffee is without sugar
h. i like ice cream
i. The Cars are on the road
g. Kidd like milk

Hari ini DI KUMPUL
tolong bantu​

Rubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat negatif
a. I have lunch at home
b. He plays football in the yard
C. She eats pizza in the Canteen
D. He studies science in the laboratory
e. Seno takes a bath
F. The water is hot
G. The coffee is without sugar
h. i like ice cream
i. The Cars are on the road
g. Kidd like milk

Hari ini DI KUMPUL
tolong bantu​


a) I haven't lunch at home

b) He doesn't play football in the yard

c) She doesn't eat pizza in the canteen

d) He doesn't study science in the laboratory

e) Seno doesn't take a bath

f) The water isn't hot

g) The coffee isn't without sugar / The coffee has sugar

h) I doesn't like ice cream

i) The cars aren't on the road

j) kids doesn't like milk